Untamed soccer womyn doing wildthings!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Confirmed Practices

First Practice:
Landsdowne Dome
Sunday, April 30
14:30 to 16:00
Please come early to warm up.
We will be sharing the pitch with WR4.
Second Practice:
The U of Ottawa field (King Edward and Mann)
Sunday, May 14

Please be there by 12:30 to warm up!

The field will be shared with OISC WR4, Coach Fergus notes that we will not have time to scrimmage with them! Yikes!

Stay tuned for details.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, that's far too early to be posting anything. (gb)

12 April, 2006 14:04

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What size of balls are we playing with?

13 April, 2006 04:05


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